Joseph Carlos Robinson

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From The White House To Your House

And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD. 

Joshua 24:15

For the past 48 hours, the world's attention has been riveted on a single question: the identity of the next occupant of the White House. By the time you read this, that question may have been answered.

It has been almost impossible not to be overwhelmed by the sheer volume of speculation. Although it was hard, I had to pull myself away from the television and silence the alerts on my phone. While I have my preferred candidate, I am prepared for either outcome. Like the companies who print two sets of hats and shirts for professional sports championship games, I am prepared for whoever wins.

Now let's be clear: all the attention that this election is getting is justified. The occupant of the White House is a very BIG deal: they are the leader of the most powerful nation with the largest economy and the strongest military in the world. Their words move markets; their decisions impact millions; and their example can inspire courage or provoke fear.

But in some ways, I think that our obsession with who's going to the White House might distract us from what's going on in our house. The truth is, we can be so interested in THAT house that we forget about OUR house.

So I want to ask you (and me) a question: What's going on in your house?

We have a transcript of the last speech that Joshua gave to the children of Israel. He had led them into a new environment that was brimming with new opportunities and new temptations. As he rehearsed their triumphs, he issued a stark warning for them to remember how they had been able to come so far. Then, he said something that we should all remember. He realized that he really did not have control over the decisions that they made. All he could really do was make decisions for HIS house. So he ends his speech by telling them "that for me and my house, we will serve the Lord."

We cannot control the decisions of whoever sits in the White House, the Statehouse, or any other house. The only house we can control (or influence) the decisions in is OUR House.

So I want to ask you (and me) a question: What's going on in your house?

How are the people in your house?

When is the last time you cleaned up your house?

Are you paying the bills in your house?

Do you even like your house?

The pandemic has forced us to spend much more time at home than many of us are accustomed to. And this season of forced isolation has caused many of us to realize that our homes are not as healthy as they should be. Or could be.

There is no doubt that the decision of whoever sits in the White House will impact what goes on in your house. But the election is over.

It’s time for you and me to get our house together. Or do our best to keep it together.

Any definition of success that does not include winning at home needs to be revised.