
Mike Tomlin is the Head Coach of the Pittsburg Steelers. During his 15 year tenure with one of the most successful franchises in the National Football League, Tomlin has racked up an impressive list of accomplishments—including nine playoff runs, seven division titles, three America Football League championship games, two Super Bow appearances, and one Super Bowl title. Tomlin also holds the record for being the youngest head coach to ever win a Super Bowl (he was 36), and is one of only 3 African Americans (in 2021) head coaches in a sport where almost 60% of the players are African American.

As impressive as that list of accomplishments is, I never really liked Mike Tomlin.

Why? Because of the team he coaches.

Growing up I was a Dallas Cowboys fan (I absolutely loved Tony Dorsett and thought Tom Landry was the coolest guy ever), and The Steelers would ALWAYS beat the Cowboys, especially during the Super Bowl. So it was hard for me to be excited for the brother because he coaches a team that was forever breaking my heart LOL.

But this week, Tomlin earned my respect and my admiration. During a press conference, he was asked if he would ever consider coaching a college football team. You can watch his response here.

Here is the part that captured my attention:

“Hey guys, I don’t have time for that speculation. I mean, that’s a joke to me. I got one of the best jobs in all of professional sport. Why would I have any interest in coaching college football? And that will be the last time I will address it. Not only today, but moving forward. Never say never. But never. O.K.? There’s not a booster with a big enough check.”

His point was well taken. I heard, felt, and agreed with the heat and irritation in his voice. The question was an insult. The problem with the question is that it assumed going backwards would be attractive or interesting to a man of Tomlin’s status and achievements. The objective for any sane person is to go from college to the pros, not from the pros to college.

Going from the pros to college is going backwards.

Going from college to the pros is going forward.

And going forward is the ONLY direction that any of us should ever be interested in going.

When God delivered the children of Israel from 400 years of slavery, the rescue operation began at night. Their journey required a trek through the desert, where they were surrounded by mountains . Eventually, they arrived at what they believed was an insurmountable barrier: a sea was blocking their path. Their fears exploded. They became to complain, and were tempted to turn around and go back. Even their leader Moses grew worried and in exasperation cried out to God. Listen to what God told Moses:

And the Lord said to Moses, “Why do you cry to Me? Tell the children of Israel to go forward. Exodus 15:14

Moses obeyed. And as they moved forward, the miraculous occurred. God turned the sea into a highway, and they passed through.

This story is a powerful reminder that as long as we continue to move forward, God will aid our progress. As long as we keep moving forward, obstacles will fall, doors will open, checks will arrive in the mail, friends will emerge, enemies will disappear, and barriers will be removed.

But you gotta keep moving forward.

We all owe Mike Tomlin a debt of gratitude for reminding us of this powerful truth.

(But i still don’t like the Steelers)

Joseph Robinson6 Comments