Posts in Best of 2021
There's Treasure In Your Trash

Has anyone ever thrown you away? When we are rejected, betrayed, or abandoned, we can feel worthless. When we make mistakes, or experience repeated failures, we can assume that we don’t have much to offer or that our best is never good enough. But we must always remember that we have value. Our value is not based on what other people think of us, or even what we think about ourselves.

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Missing Out On Miracles

I think we tend to overemphasize the benefits of choice, especially when the chooser is ignorant or immature. I know this may sound like heresy to many of you, because as Americans we value choice and have exalted rugged individualism as an ideal. But the more I think about it, the more, I am beginning to think that all of us can benefit every now and then from a push or a pull from a loving hand. Sometimes, we all need someone to make us do what we find unpleasant.

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