As the 25 year old son of an elite Roman family, Caesar was an extremely valuable prize. He was captured, and was informed that the ransom price was 20 talents—which at the time was a very considerable sum. According to Plutarch, Caesar laughed and told them that their asking price was too low and suggested that they raise it to 50 talents! They did, and sold him back.
Read MoreIn his poem If, Rudyard Kipling suggests that one of the great challenges of life is dual ability to “walk with crowds and keep your virtue” and “walk with Kings and not lose the common touch.” Neither are easy, and the latter may be harder. But keeping the common touch will get your further faster.
Read MoreWhenever you make perfection the standard for making a contribution, no contributions will ever be made. We all would do well to remember that there are no perfect servants. Or prophets. Or preachers. Or people. This is the fatal flaw in cancel culture. If you cancel everyone who has ever or will ever make a mistake, no one will be left.
Read MoreAnd as a Christian, I must always believe in the possibility that through the power of the Gospel, human beings can change. This text suggests that even after a lifetime of evil, a few moments in the presence of Jesus can melt the hardest heart, and forever alter one’s destiny.
Read MoreBut in some ways, I think that our obsession with who's going to the White House might distract us from what's going on in our house. The truth is, we can be so interested in THAT house that we forget about OUR house.
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