
A parasite is an organism that lives on or off of another organism. The organism that the parasites lives on or off is called the host. The parasite usually has no internal molecular structure, but adapts itself to the host, and gets it food from or the expense of the host. The parasite gradually reduces the fitness of the host, until is damaged and can no longer provide the sustenance that the parasite requires.

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Toughness is an often ignored and frequently undervalued element in the formula for enduring success. We tend to overemphasize talent and underemphasize toughness.

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Majoring In Minors

All of us have areas of focus, matters that we concentrate on, and domains of expertise in which we specialize. In some ways, life is like college: we can’t focus on everything; we can’t go everywhere; we can’t do everything. All of us have to major in something. And whatever we decide to focus on will determine the quality and the impact of or lives.

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Moving Without The Ball

Moving without the ball not only is a crucial skill in basketball. It is also a crucial skill in life. Once you stop moving the enemy can stop playing defense. We must all learn how to get open, even if we don’t have the ball.

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You Can Make It Happen

And in the story of our lives, far too may of us choose to play the victim—to believe and behave as if we don’t have the ability to make things happen. But all of us have a measure of freedom, creativity and capacity not simply to be pushed around by our circumstances, but to play an active role in shaping the destiny that we desire.

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The Cost Of Change

Far too many people labor under the illusion that change can be made without any cost. Far too many people believe that we can “change the world without changing ourselves.” But progress always has a price tag, transformation never goes on sale, and change is expensive.

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Defeated By Our Desires

Let’s spend more time investigating what we want, and why we want it. Often, what we want is birthed from envy; or anger, or bitterness, or comparison, or some ghost from our past to whom we are trying to prove a point that isn’t worth proving.

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The word resist in Greek means to “stand against.” To resist means to take a stand, to declare opposition, to demonstrate by word and deed one’s refusal to cooperate with conditions that attempt to define your humanity, limit your aspirations, or crush your spirit.

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Joseph Robinson Comments

The word “perspective” derives from the science of optics. The science of optics explores how we see. So perspective is how one perceives, how one sees. It is one of the essential aptitudes of any artist because to design a painting, or a building, or a car, requires a sense of proportion. Perspective requires you to understand how the various component of an object all fit together and relate to one another.

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Joseph Robinson Comments
Yards After Contact

But as the poet Edgar Guest reminded us, “we must stick to the figth when we are hardest. its when things seems worst that we must not quit.” We have to learn how to keep going after life hits us, It’s called Yards after contact.

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Joseph Robinson Comments
The Blame Game

No matter what external forces may constrain our choices, there is always a margin available to respond. We are not “playthings of circumstance.” And even when we cannot take action, we can choose to how to think and how to feel. Stop playing the blame game. You are response-able.

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Joseph Robinson Comments
Gain Some Wait

More than ever, I am convinced that one of things that God is producing in his children and in his church during this pandemic is the spiritual fruit of patience. This crisis has forced most of us to change our plans, alter our routines, and become comfortable with setbacks, shortages, and scarcity.

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Best of 2021

As promised, here is the list of the Top Ten Most Viewed Blogs of 2021.

The top read post was “Keeping The Common Touch.” That blog shared my experience with Vernon Jordan, a great man who made me feel even greater, Also, my Son Malachi’s post “On Pork and Patience” was #3. That made my heart smile

I would like to thank all of you for allowing me the privilege to share the word of God with you each and every week.

Blessings on you!

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Joseph Robinson Comments
The Power Of Your Testimony

Perhaps the best Christmas gift that you can give is not jewelry, electronics, clothing, or a gift card to a restaurant. Sharing the story of the incredible ways that God has guided, protected, and provided for you would give somebody the inspirationa and motivation to get through this Holiday season.

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