Three Lenses

Rarely is our problem the problem. Usually the problem is the way we see the problem—our perspective, or the lens through which we see a problem, situation, a relationship, or an event. Tony Schwartz has written that one way to enhance successful outcomes in every area of our lives is to employ a technique he refers to as the three lenses.

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Take Care Of Yourself

When we neglect ourselves, we fail to properly value the best gift God has given us outside of salvation. I have discovered that it is far easier to take care of our stuff than souls; our property than our personalities; our lawns than our loved ones, our money than our minds, and our automobiles than our attitudes.

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Time And Pressure

When we fail to reach our objectives or secure our blessings, it is often because we have failed to include time and/or pressure in our plan We either haven’t spend enough time or applied enough pressure. Time and pressure. Alone they are insufficient. Together, they are unbeatable.

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Have The Funeral

When I say have the funeral, I mean to engage in a public acknowledgement of a death. To have a funeral means to talk about it, cry about it, laugh about it, and then bury it—in order to accelerate your ability to get over it.

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Behind My Back

All of us are acquainted with how so much that occurs in our lives transpires behind our backs. And much of what transpires behind our backs in not always positive. Jeff Bezos, the founder of, says that your brand is what people say about you behind your back.

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Process or Event?

We all love events. But in order to be successful, we must fall in love with a process. Author James Clear has written that the best way to enjoy success, fulfillment and happiness is to fall in love with the process. When you fall in love with the process, you don’t have to wait to be happy, and you release yourself from the tyranny of the clock.

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Switching The Price Tags

Perhaps you should pay closer attention to the price of the items on which you are spending your time, energy and attention. It would be a tragedy to pay too much for too little and not realize that you’ve overpaid until it’s too late.

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Don't Get Ahead of Yourself

Some of the obstacles in our path are God sent. Some of our enemies have been handpicked by the Almighty. And some of our challenges have been divinely orchestrated to deter us from achieving an objective that may be contrary to God’s perfect will for our lives.

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When I was growing up there was a jingle that I am sure you have heard: “sticks and stones may break may bones, but names will never hurt me.”. Well, whoever created that jingle should be sued. Or smacked. Well, maybe not smacked. But that jingle is profoundly incorrect.

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Unrealized Losses

The SVB implosion is full of lessons. Chief among them is the reminder that all of us have ideas, relationships, strategies and even possessions that are no longer worth the price that we paid for them—they have lost value. All of us lose things, and sometimes we don’t even realize that we have lost them until it’s too late.

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To be labelled a “copycat” is usually not a compliment. According to Urban (and yes I keep telling yall…that is a real website, lol) a copycat is “an obnoxious individual who gets off on copying, imitating, emulating, simulating or miming the words, gestures and expressions of another.”

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