Missed Calls

We miss calls all the time. We miss calls because we are often missing in action. And guess what? Missed calls often result in missed blessings. I don’t know about you, but I know I have probably missed a ton of blessings because I’ve failed to receive a ton of missed calls.

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Joseph Robinson Comments
High Mileage

In the car industry, a high mileage car makes you less valuable. But in the realm of human relationships, being high mileage makes you more valuable—because it makes you more compassionate, understanding, and tolerant of others.

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Joseph Robinson Comments

Celebrating Black History month is a necessary corrective to the unfair and untrue narrative still being unfortunately perpetuated in far too many precincts that African Americans (and other peoples of African descent) have ONLY been the victims of white supremacy, institutional racism and social injustice.

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Joseph Robinson Comments
Don't Spoil Your Appetite

Every appetite that we have was given to us by God. The desire for food, water, sleep, recreation, companionship, procreation are God given. Although these desires can become corrupted and perverted, we must understand that they come from God. God would not have given us these desires if he did not want them to be satisfied. But God has also provided us with clear instructions on how they should be satisfied. Most sin is us wanting the right thing at the wrong time, with the wrong person or in the wrong way. Improper indulgence mitigates, distort ultimately destroy those desires.

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Joseph Robinson Comments
Making A Splash

But I have learned that alot of people are fond of making splashes.  And I don't just don't mean in pools.  I mean in life.  Far too many of us pursue activities and make decisions that are designed to make a lot of noise and attract a lot of attention.  But those activities and decisions rarely get us to where we want to go, and they consume previous energy.  

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Joseph Robinson Comments
Default Settings

Default settings are just not included in software applications. Every organization has a default setting. And Every person has a default setting as well. Our default settings are the deeply ingrained, unquestioned ways of thinking and acting that govern how we function

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Joseph Robinson Comments
Outdated Systems

Storms, pandemics and other crises only accelerate or reveal. A crises shows us what was already there, or what was going to eventually reveal itself. What a foundation is to a house, systems are to an organization or an organism. This crisis at Southwest revealed a profound underinvestment in the systems necessary to mange their operation.

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We tenacious cling to the erroneous idea that we can achieve success or distinction in any field of endeavor without a considerable investment of time, effort, and resources. Eddie Cantor was right. It takes twenty years to be an overnight success. There are no shortcuts.

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Joseph Robinson Comments
Finding New Soil

It is so easy to get frustrated because of the lack of results that we may be experiencing in our current environment—so frustrated that we begin to think that there is something wrong with our seed. This frustration can lead to the decision to stop sowing—to stop planting—to stop sharing our dreams, offering our ideas, using our talents, pursuing our dreams, and expressing our gifts.

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Joseph Robinson Comments
You Probably Need Some Sleep

We celebrate sleep deprivation. We brag about staying late at the office, pulling all nighters, and getting our hustle on. There is even an hip hop anthem that celebrates exhaustion. The song is called “I’ll sleep when I’m dead.” Well the truth is that if you don’t get enough sleep you will be dead sooner than you think.

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Joseph Robinson Comments
Get Your Spoon Back

Our spoon is a metaphor for our ability to chose, our ability to decide, our ability to think for ourselves, making decisions for ourselves, and create a life based on intention, deliberation and design. To relinquish that incredible gift will cause you to fall to the bottom of the rankings.

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Joseph Robinson Comments
Take The First Step

The Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu once said that “the journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.” This encouraging insight is a reminder that one of the best ways to achieve success is to understand that it is a process. Unlike Superman, who can jump over buildings in a single bound, most our goals will not be achieved with a single effort.

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Refusing Instruction

The scripture says that when you refuse to learn you are hurting yourself! And far too many of us have been hurting ourselves far too long. it’s time for us to love ourselves. And if you love yourself you will take care of yourself. And you take care of yourself by learning from people richer, smarter, and more successful than you are.

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Joseph Robinson Comments