Why (Aren't) You So Extra?

These days, when someone says “you’re so extra,” it usually isn’t a compliment. Typically , it’s an insult. It is most often said in response to some display of emotion or investment of energy that is deemed inappropriate or unnecessary. In fact, most of us learn quite early not to give ourselves freely to anything or anyone to avoid embarrassment or rejection. We tip toe through life, studiously avoiding commitment. As Jim Carey put it, we “disguise our fear as practicality”.

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Make It A Big Deal

I read once that one of the greatest regrets that so many people have at the end of their lives is that instead of living the life they wanted, they lived the life that someone else wanted for them. I am convinced this happens because we give the people we trust and often admire too much influence over our decisions. You gotta know that you know, and be prepared to disappoint people who disagree with you. You might be wrong. But at least the decision will be yours, and not someone else’s.

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Better Late Than Never

And as a Christian, I must always believe in the possibility that through the power of the Gospel, human beings can change. This text suggests that even after a lifetime of evil, a few moments in the presence of Jesus can melt the hardest heart, and forever alter one’s destiny.

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Don't Go Back To Normal

Use this moment as an opportunity to take a good, hard, long look at your life and see what needs to be changed. Don’t go back to normal. Michael Hyatt says we should rejoice over what we have been able to accomplish, recommit to what’s important, revise what we desire but may be currently challenging to achieve, replace what isn’t working, and remove what doesn’t contribute to our progress. Don’t go back to normal. Rejoice, recommit, revise, replace, and remove. Then repeat.

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Current EventsVisuable Team
What's On Your List?

A friend of mine recently shared with me a copy of the Christmas list that his nine-year-old niece gave him. I was blown away. The list was compiled with painstaking care. It contained 14 items. Each item was identified, described, and included a SKU code. Finally, the price of each item was included. It was handwritten on a sheet of looseleaf paper and mailed to his address.

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Visuable TeamComment
Back To The Basics

One of my mentors used to say, "some things are nice, but they are not necessary." And this pandemic has reminded us of what is necessary. When this pandemic is over, I hope all of us maintain that point of view.

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Visuable Team
Stop Being So Cheap

Certainly, we should pinch pennies. But sometimes we can pinch the wrong penny. Being stingy is one thing. Being cheap is another. Stingy is making sure you don't overspend. Cheap is an unwillingness (not inability) to spend. And in the long run, being cheap is a losing strategy.

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Personal GrowthVisuable Team
Fixing What Ain't Broken

Most of us have upgrade-itis (Yes, I made that word up). We are constantly bombarded with savvy marketing messages that attempt to persuade us that we need the newest and latest shiny object. Of course what they fail to tell us is that rarely do the new devices do a better job of what they already do.

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Start Acting Like It

Ideas. Attitudes. Behaviors. These are the key ingredients to success in any realm. Find out how the people in your promised land think, feel, and behave. Then adopt those practices.

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Joseph Robinson

Without focus, we waste time, energy and resources. Without focus, we expend precious resources on a plethora of insignificant objectives and lesser aims. The result is unhappiness, frustration, boredom, and envy.

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Joseph Robinson
Preparing For The Next Season

day’s miracles.

When I learn how to interpret my situation from a seasonal perspective, it provides me with enormous comfort in the face of challenging times, because I spend less time grieving over the last season, and more time getting ready for the next one!

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Joseph Robinson
Putting Your Prayers In Your Feet

Far too often, our prayers pass through our lips without having passed through our minds, lingered in our imaginations, filtered through our hearts, or coursed down our veins into our hands and on to our feet. And perhaps that is why some of prayers have not been answered. Maybe God doesn’t take our requests seriously because it is apparent to him that we do not.

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Joseph Robinson