Don't Wait To Celebrate

Saul responded to his crisis the same way that many of us response to ours: by digging in—to work harder, to eliminate distractions, and to deny ourselves any enjoyment until the final battle is won. Unfortunately, that strategy didn’t work then—and it still doesn’t work now.

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Step Out Of The Shadows

Light is always used in the scriptures as a metaphor for God. 1 John 1:5 informs us that “God is light, and in him is no darkness at all.” So it seems that one source of inferiority is who we allow to be our light! Whenever we allow others to stand between us and God, they block us from the true source of identity, satisfaction and meaning, and cause us to linger in the shadows.

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I remember that whenever we had a substitute teacher in school, we traumatized the poor creature. The sub didn’t know us, so my elementary school assassins and I used conceivable strategy to avoid learning. We tried stuff with the substitute that we would never try with the real teacher. To us, the equation was simple: sub=no work

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In fact, there are many people who believe that the pandemic was one of the best things that could have happened to the Body of Christ, because it forced us to rediscover what the church really is and what the church is really about.

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Stop Clinging To The Past

…we all have a tendency to think that success means going back to way things were (in whatever period of the past we had the most fun, experienced the most success, or had best adjusted to). But Jesus offers a radical (and necessary) corrective to that idea. He warns us not to cling to the past.

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